Since Worthy! Released over a month ago, I have had questions about what coloring has to do
with connecting with God.
My desire to include the coloring component to this devotional is 2-fold; Biblical and scientific.
First, Biblically – The Bible references the word meditate at least 20 times, below are some of
my favorite ones.
Joshua 1:8 – This book of law shall not depart out of your mouth, meditate on it day and
night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and
succeed in all you do
Psalm 104:34 – My meditation of Him shall be sweet. I will be glad in the Lord
Psalm 119:11 – Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against you
Second, scientifically – Cleveland Clinic, a very dependable source of
health information references 3 key benefits of coloring to an adult brain.
It’s a meditative exercise that takes the person coloring’s attention away from themselves and draws them into the moment of coloring.
The brain relaxes when thoughts are focused on a simple activity
Low stakes make it pleasurable – hard to mess up coloring
From the scientific portion above, it is clear that coloring is not only relaxing, but also
therapeutic and even pleasurable. Research says, coloring takes our minds on a stress less tour,
albeit momentarily. On the other hand, the scriptures above present some unifying messages –
That the deep pondering on God’s truths is enjoyable and can prosper our lives and benefit us
The most commonly referenced interpretations for the word, Meditation in the Bible are as follows- speaking enthusiastically, thoughtful contemplation, praise and coo/mutter. While the
less common meanings include pray and command. What one can draw from these words are that meditation is often not a quiet or passive event, but instead an active engagement of the mind in deeply focusing on one thing, for a desired outcome.
Given both angles, the coloring of illustrated Bible verses and uplifting quotes serve as a
meditative exercise that aid one in focusing on God undistractedly, while the brain also making some biological gains.
So what’s coloring got to do with hope? I’d say MUCH! The illustrations in Worthy! were
prayerfully rendered. I wholeheartedly believe that as you engage the book fully, by reading,
praying and meditatively coloring – you will be infused with God’s lasting HOPE!
*Pictured above is a beautifully colored illustration(by one of the Worthy ladies!), from the Worthy! Devotional Coloring Book